작성자 | 관리자 | 작성일 | 2016.10.31 |
제목 | 양명석, 서진욱 학생 대한약학회 포스터 발표 | 조회수 | 23,962 |
중앙대학교 제약산업특성화대학원의 양명석, 서진욱 학생이 10월18일~20일 서울 더케이서울호텔에서 열린 대한약학회 70주년 국제 학술대회에서 포스터 발표를 했습니다. Title: Adherence to guideline on use of analgesics in
patients with first myocardial infarction event: a stepped-care approach
Authors: First author: Myungsuk Yang1 Co-authors: Seung Yeon Song2, Jinuk Suh1,
Hyunjun Shim1, Jihee Yun1, Eunyoung Kim1,2 Affiliation : 1 Department of
Pharmaceutical Industry Management,
Graduate School, Chung-Ang
University, Seoul, South Korea 2 Department of Health, Social and Clinical Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea
Key words: Stepped-care approach, Analgesic, Cardiovascular
The study aims were to assess adherence
to the american heart association guideline on the use of non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with a stepped-care approach and to compare
the risk of cardiovascular(CV) events between patients treated with guideline
adherence and those without. Between
2008 and 2011, Only 20% of first-time MI patients were treated analgesics with
adherence to the stepped-care approach. After PSM using covariates, 216
patients were included in each group. All patients were followed until either a
CV event (death, MI, stroke, transient ischemic attack, embolism) whichever
occurred first or up to 2 years. Using kaplan-meier methods, showed statistical
significance between two groups in time-to event. Using multivariate cox
regression analysis, use of acetaminophen and/or narcotics, non-selective
NSAIDs and selective NSAIDs increase CV event risk from least to most both two
We found that the
guideline-concordant group represents better prognosis compared to the
discordant group. Our results suggest that increased and multidisciplinary
efforts are required to increase adherence to the guideline recommendations to
help prevent CV events in MI patients when using NSAIDs. Title: Prescription patterns and
appropriateness of mupirocin in ambulatory care using the Korean National
Health Insurance Claims database
Authors: Kyeong
Hye Jeong, Eunyoung Kim
First author: Jinuk Suh
Co-authors: Kyeong Hye Jeong, Eunyoung Kim
Key words: Mupirocin, Ambulatory
setting, Prescription patterns, Appropriateness of prescription
Background: Mupirocin has been widely
used as topical antimicrobial agent for many years and can be used for patients
with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus. However, recent studies show that mupirocin resistance have been
increasing. The objective of this study was to investigate prescription
patterns of mupirocin, which is known to be highly correlated with
antimicrobial resistance, to evaluate appropriateness of prescriptions in the
ambulatory setting and to compare frequency of mupirocin usage in South Korea
with that in United States.
Methods: The
2012 Health Insurance and Review and Assessment service-National Patient Sample
dataset of South Korea was used to analyze mupirocin prescription patterns (the number of prescription
and a prescription period) and to evaluate appropriateness of prescription (a
prescription rate over 10 days, a repeat prescription rate within 30 days and a
prescription rate within labeled indications). The
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey dataset was used to quantify mupirocin
prescription in United States for comparison.
Results: In South Korea, the mean duration of prescribed use was 1.12 days, the
prescriptions rate for use over 10 days was 3%, the repeat prescription rate
within 30 days was 8.87% and the prescription proportion within labeled
indications was 33.84%. The most frequent diagnostic code was nonbacterial
infection. The prescription rate (per 1000 population) of mupirocin in South
Korea was calculated to be 46.07, whereas in United States was calculated to be 13.10.
Conclusion: Mupirocin is used frequently and inappropriately, so further studies are required to investigate the rationale behind such prescribing mupirocin patterns. |
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